HVAC training

Jobs in the HVAC field depend on many different skills and abilities. All but the most basic of jobs need employees to have attended detailed training. HVAC systems are by their nature complicated. To fully understand how to design, install and maintain them, a deep understanding of how they work is needed. Many HVAC roles may only be carried out by certified workers to comply with both federal and state laws.

Good training increases your opportunities for better pay and conditions, higher customer retention, shorter job times, and fewer job site accidents. Employees with recent training can quickly get to work on new equipment incorporating the latest industry developments. They will be aware of recent changes in legislation and how it affects the job they are working on.

Training books and study guides

Once you have decided to begin or further your career books can be a very cost effective way of increasing your HVAC knowledge. Books can also be a great resource to have on your truck when on the job.

Do you want to pass the EPA 608 certification?

Our free EPA section 608 course will help you get exam ready so you can pass first time.

The certification is a short reasonably straightforward series of tests mainly intended to make sure you know the environmental impact of refrigerants.

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